VLCD – Benefits, Side Effects and Precautions


Balancing a healthy weight is all about holding your calorie consumption in check. But people who desire to lose weight are often hard on themselves. The mathematics of weight loss is pretty simple when you shed more calories than you eat on a regular basis, you will lose weight. If you have attemptednumerouskinds of diets in order to lose weight but didn’t get the apt result, you need to search beyond the basic weight loss diets. To balance a healthy weight, you can go for a very low-calorie diet (VLCD).

What is VLCD?

A very low-calorie diet (VLCD) is a diet plan that is pragmatically supervised and limits the calorie consumption to about 800 calories or even lesser in a day. A VLCD actuallybrings outchanging the usually-taken foods with soups, shakes, and porridge including milk or bars. It is commonlysuggested for adults who need to lose weight and have a BMI over 30 or those who are fat. Since the diet curtails on high-calorie foods, it should only be arose under medical guidance and should not be done for more than 12 straight weeks. It can, despite the fact, be mixed with a low calorie or normal diet every two or three days. The normal suggestedregular calorie intake for men is 2500 calories and 2000 calories for women. Since VLCDs thrust the calorie consumption down to 800 or below, people chasing up this diet may lose weight briskly as contrasted to modern weight loss diets.

Who should follow a VLCD?

This diet is very hard to glue to in the first place and is not favorable for people with specific conditions; it should only be done under the advice of a dietician or a doctor. You can begin with this diet under a health supervisor if you have the following conditions:

  • You are fat or your BMI is over 30.
  • Fatness has become fatal.
  • Your weight loss programme isn’t working currently.

Benefits of VLCD Diet:

VLCD in addition toassisting in weight loss also assists to detoxify the body and lower blood sugar. It has several benefits such as:

VLCD enhances Insulin Sensitivity:

Improved sensitivity to insulin means the cells can devour glucose directly from the bloodstream for energy. This assists to lower food consumption by enhancingfullness and stops you from eating more and gaining obesity.

Help to reduce Gluconeogenesis:

Gluconeogenesis is the procedurevia which the body combines glucose from sources that are non-carbohydrates, for example proteins. When gluconeogenesis is reduced, the body lowers the amount of blood sugar and consequently the storage of sugars in the form of fats.

Helps you switch to healthy Foods:

VLCD diets require you to quit eating unhealthy foods that are filled with carbohydrates and Trans fats. When these junk foods are changed with healthy cooked foods and VLCD shakes filled with all the important nutrients, it assists in maintaining healthy along with curtailing weight.

Helps in Detoxification:

When you are on a VLCD, most of your solid foods are changed with liquids. This is important in detoxification of the body as the shakes and other liquids are filled with antioxidants that dispose free radicals that harm the body. This cleans the body and reduces the stress levels.

Promote Gut Health:

Fasting diets are best for the gut as it provides the colon opportunity to clean itself and make better the digestion and absorption necessarily. This also promotes constipation and a healthy functioning gut will also increase metabolic function.

To sum it up, very low-calorie diets are best fitted for those who are unable to lose weight through daily diet and exercise schedule. But despite that, one should always take the help of a dietitian or doctor before starting with this diet.

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