Alcohol and Drug Addiction

Types of Intervention for Alcohol and Drug Addiction


There are various approaches to take while attempting to deal with a loved one’s drug usage issues. Perhaps a straightforward one-on-one intervention will work. Depending on your loved one’s nature, speaking to them in private rather than in front of a crowd may be preferable. If that doesn’t succeed, perhaps a conventional intervention will. It can be challenging to convince a loved one to accept professional assistance for a drug or alcohol issue. But your loved one will be more likely to receive help if they see that they have support and that others still care about them.

Johnson Type

The Johnson Model makes an effort to approach a substance abuser in a kind and caring manner. The Johnson technique seeks to inform and inspire the person to want change rather than blaming or attacking the addict to push on the way of alcohol withdrawal. This intervention strategy has been tested and true.

In-Field Model

The Johnson and Invitational Models are somewhat included into the Field Model. This strategy is primarily intended to provide support when a person is at risk of responding violently or negatively. A therapist will need to be aware of how to respond in light of that potential.

Structured Model

An effective family systemic paradigm incorporates encouragement and support. It’s crucial to let your loved one know that others support their decision to get help. Recovery from addiction benefits the addict’s family and friends as well. Everyone must learn to live with the consequences of their loved one’s drug or alcohol use.

Occupational Intervention

It may be up to you to save a coworker’s life if you have reason to believe they are developing a problem with drugs or alcohol. Sometimes the friends and family of your employees do not recognize the signals as you do. Perhaps an intervention was held for him or her, but it wasn’t successful. Hold an intervention for them and intervene.

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