prickly heat powder for adults

Experience the Natural Healing Benefits of Prickly Heat Powder


Prickly heat or heat rash causes the reddening of the skin accompanied by prickly stinging, or warm sensation. This is a feeling that may be accompaniedby red dots on the areasaffected. The rash could have raised small blisters. The main reason why we develop prickly heat is the warm temperatures and humid environments. Normally, the issue clears out in a while but there are treatments that can handle the related symptoms. You need to get prickly heat powder for adults in this case.

The issue affects the chest, shoulders, neck, face, and groin area mostly. However, any part of the body could be affected by the issue.

Managing prickly heat

The only way to treat prickly heat is to avoid sweating.  Normally, the condition gets better on its own over time.However, some symptoms may be a bit bothersome. There are home remedies that can be tried out but there are also products that treat symptoms like sweating, irritation, and redness.

Prickly heat is treated by first cooling off and keeping the skin dry. Think of sitting in a room with air conditioning, or taking a cold shower or bath. All these help reduce your body temperature and can clear the issue faster.

However, the most effective way is to use Dermi cool prickly heat rash powder. Thisremedy combines various ingredients to offer the user the fastest relief from heat rash. Ingredients likementhol and camphor cool down the skin once they are applied to the skin. This gives instant relief from the itchiness and reduces or stops sweating.

Other ingredients includeNeem, tulsi, vetasa, tamkan amla, satva, jasatbhasma, among others. These have anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial properties. Therefore, when you apply this type of product to the skin, you can deal with prickly heat successfully and naturally.

Preventing prickly heat

 We know the conditions that cause this issue. The hot and humid summer months, intense workouts, and tight clothing can lead to developing these issues. It happens when sweat is trapped below the skin normally after excessive sweating.

It is also important to note that there are skin products that could cause sweat glands and skin pores to clog. These are particularly the ones with petroleum jelly or heavy oils. These contribute to the development of prickly heat.

One way of avoiding this is to wear natural loose-fitting fibers like hemp, or cotton. They reduce sweat on the skin surface making it less likely for it to be trapped. You should also remove any sweaty clothes after being out in the warm weather to lower the chances of getting blockages in the pores. Take a shower to get rid of sweat and wear fresh ones to cool down.

One of the easiest and most convenientways of preventing heat rash is using ghmaoriya ka powder, the products aren’t meant to treat prickly heat only but can be great at preventing it as well. While you should still observe hygiene, dress appropriately, and stay hydrated, applying heat rash powder on your body offers you extra protection.

Prickly heat can affect any part of the body but there are areas like the back and areas with folds like the neck that are more likely to be affected. As such, you should apply the powder there to absorb sweat during the day. They as cooling agents keep you feeling fresh all through the day.


Prickly heat is a frustrating and uncomfortable condition that may become worse in summer. With the right remedy, you can find lasting relief allowing your skin to healnaturally. Dermi cool prickly heat powder is the safe, effective, and natural mode of handling heat rash. Its absorption, cooling effects, and soothing properties make it the best way of dealing with heat rash.

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